Monday, December 1, 2008

Final Blog YAY!! :)

I surprisingly had a really good experience in this class. I absolutely hate writing papers, and thought that I was going to hate this class. But I ended up liking it for the most part. The fact that Ms. Brown let us pick our own topics on what to write about was really cool. She really made me look at writing in a different way other than just a bunch of boring research papers. I also learned more in depth on how to write different types of papers, and how to be more creative in my writing. The class was very informative on a lot of different things. Some of the stuff about parenthetical documentation was really helpful because I honestly had no idea thats how it was supposed to be done (the right way at least). Some of the papers we wrote were unlike any papers I did in high school. I had never written a review before so it was kind of neat to be able to do that. I have written plenty of papers like the profile one, but never really used the 'dominant impression' aspect in them before. I like the way she set up the course by giving us relatively simple papers first and then easing us into the big Argument paper at the end. I liked how whatever we were talking about in class always related to our upcoming paper as well. It's very frustrating when a teacher just throws a huge paper assignment at you and doesn't offer any advice or help. Now, writing is still not my favorite thing in the world, but I feel like I have more confidence in how and what I write after this course is done. Thanks Ms. Brown :)

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

Thanks, Lizzie--you're very welcome. I'm glad you found the course helpful. This entry is very reflective in covering the span of the semester rather than just focusing on the most recent paper.