Thursday, November 6, 2008


I think the topic of prostitution it is not a very good thing to debate on. It is a pretty widely held view that it is not something that should be legalized. It is disgusting, degrading, and can cause more problems than one would originally think. With this topic it is hard to find a clearly defined line between different views. I think that if we debated about something like religion in schools, welfare, or drilling it would be better. These are issues that people have strong opinions on and can take to two clearly defined sides on. People havd very different strong opinions on these topics. In my opinion, they are more interesting as well. I think that the topic of casinos is an ok topic too. Although I do not know much about the subject, I feel that it might be easier to make two defined sides on this subject more than it would be for prostitution. I am still fine with debating about prostitution, I just think another topic might be more interesting.

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

Can you explain why strong opinions make for a good topic? What other considerations should be made? Are you sure everyone agrees that legalizing prostitution couldn't have any benefits?