Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random Blog

Being sick is absolutely no fun. There are some good things that come from it however. Because I work in a childcare center, they usually let me off work when I am sick. I don't want to get any of the babies sick, although they are probably the ones who got me sick ;). But that is probably the only good thing that probably comes from it. It is probably a bad thing though because, even though I got off work I still need the money! I also miss the little kids too :(.

This is absolutely the worst time of year to be sick as well. It is the end of the semester when we all need to be finishing out strong. You have no energy and feel awful, but have a load of things to get done. And in my case, when I get sick, it usually lasts for a long time. Well, longer than it needs too. I skipped my first college class ever the other day because I was sick, and it's probably going to cost me.

I'm going to stop complaining though because I am sure you don't really want to read about me being sick. I needed an extra blog and was frustrated so I figured I would write about it. I will try and make my next blog more interesting for ya ;).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog 6 - Arguing Without Fighting

2. When we did our first round of debates on the prostitution topic I thought the opposing sides argument was not going to be any good at all. However, they really showed that they did research and gave some excellent points. While my opinion stays the same, I still I found it interesting the arguments that they came up with. I had never really thought about some of those things before.

I actually thought the Casino debate was really really interesting. I think that both sides gave really really good arguments for whether or not casinos help the community. Before the debate I kind of stood in the middle, but was leaning more towards the side that they were harmful to the community. After the debates were over I still stood in the middle about the whole thing, but also came to a conclusion. I think casino's are harmful to the individual and not necessarily the community. I would not go out gambling, and drinking a lot of alcohol because I know that it can cause harm to me an others. It can cause harm to any individual. But after the debates I think that casinos contribute more to the society financially than I originally thought. So casinos may not be all bad. Both side gave really good arguments, however, and I can see were they are both coming from.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I think the topic of prostitution it is not a very good thing to debate on. It is a pretty widely held view that it is not something that should be legalized. It is disgusting, degrading, and can cause more problems than one would originally think. With this topic it is hard to find a clearly defined line between different views. I think that if we debated about something like religion in schools, welfare, or drilling it would be better. These are issues that people have strong opinions on and can take to two clearly defined sides on. People havd very different strong opinions on these topics. In my opinion, they are more interesting as well. I think that the topic of casinos is an ok topic too. Although I do not know much about the subject, I feel that it might be easier to make two defined sides on this subject more than it would be for prostitution. I am still fine with debating about prostitution, I just think another topic might be more interesting.